
network of academics


Assoc. Prof., Jan Slavík

slavik (at) ireas.cz

Jan Slavík graduated from the University of Economics in Prague specializing in Economic Policy and Environmental Economics. His long-term professional interests are instruments of Ecological Policy and their application in the field of waste management. In 2005 he did a research internship at the institute FIFO (Finanzwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut) at the University in Cologne. In 2009 he finished his doctoral dissertation on the topic „Effectiveness of a deposit system on one-way containers in the Czech Republic". Since 2007 he has worked as a professor assistant at the Department of Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics at the University of Economics in Prague. Since 2014 he works at the Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti and Labem as a researcher and a lecturer, since 2017 he undertakes the function of an vice-dean for science and research and the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies.




Project manager



Masaryk University, Brno, Facultry od Economics and Administration (Public Economics), Habilitation (Assoc. Prof.)


University of Economics in Prague, Faculty of Economics (Department of Environmental Economics), doctoral studies (Ph.D. degree)


University of Economics in Prague, Faculty of Economics, master's degree programme (Ing. degree)


University of Economics in Prague, Faculty of Economics, bachelor's degree programme (Bc. degree)


since 2001

IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy (NGO)

project manager

since 2001

IEEP, Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy (University of Economics, Prague)

Director for International Relations (since 2009)

since 2017

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně, Usti nad Labem (Faculty of Social and Economic Studies)

Vice-dean for science and research

since 2015

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně, Usti nad Labem (Faculty of Social and Economic Studies)

Education and research


VYCERRO (University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne, Usti nad Labem)

External assistant


Department of Environmental Economics (University of Economics, Prague)



Department of Environmental Economics (University of Economics, Prague)




International Management of Resource & Environment, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany (prof. Jan C. Bongaerts


Marie Curie Summer School “Institutional Analysis of Sustainability Problems“ (Stara Lesna – Slovensko) – within the international project Theories and Methods in Sustainability Research (coordinated by The Norwegian University of Life Sciences - Professor Arild Vatn)


Institute of Transport Economics at the University of Münster


The FiFO (Finanzwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut) Institute for Public Economics at the University of Cologne (DBU scholarship and from the Czech-German Fund for the Future)



Economic Analysis of the New Waste Management Plan of the Czech Republic for the period 2015 – 2024

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2014

Contractor: E-academia.eu, o.p.s.

Position:Project manager and expert investigator


Demographic development and behavioral aspects (e.g. 'crowding-out effect') and their impact on the municipal waste charging policy

Provider: Czech Science Foundation

Contractor: Faculty of Social and Economic Studies (University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne) + INESAN + Faculty of Science (Charles University)

Position: Project manager and expert investigator


Unfair competition and other economic factors influencing the efficiency of the provision of public services

Provider: Czech Science Foundation

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for structural policy + Masaryk University Brno

Position: Project manager and expert investigator


Support of the Biowaste Rycycling as a Compensation of Non-Renewable Resources

Provider: Czech Technological Agency (2013-2014)


Mehrwert Natur Ost-Erzgebirge

Provider: Program Ziel 3/Cíl 3, 2012 – 2014


Economic and Environmental Effects of Environmental Regulation under Different Market Structures (e.g. packaging waste regulation)

Provider: Czech Science Foundation, 2010 – 2011

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Strategic Analytical Document for the Use of Secondary Raw Materials (Secondary Raw Materials Policy)

Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, 2010-2011

Contractor: Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position:Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Cross-border cooperation approaches in the Saxon-Czech borderland (Kooperationsansätze im sächsisch-tschechischen Grenzraum)

Provider: State Ministry of the Interior (Saxony), 2009 – 2010

Contractor: Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in cooperation with IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator on the Czech side


Theoretical analysis of dependencies between environmental policy, regional policy and regional planning

Provider: Czech Science Foundation, 2009 – 2010

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Concept of the Integrated System for Biowaste Treatment in Moravskoslezsky Region

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2008-2009


Economic analysis of proposed container deposit system in the Czech Republic

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2008

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Strategy of municipal waste prevention and separation on the municipal level and market creation of the separated materials in the Czech republic (VaV-2f1/77/07)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2007 – 2009

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Evaluation of environmentally friendly rehabilitation and development processes in the German-Polish-Czech Border Triangle

(Evaluation umweltschonender Sanierungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse im deutsch-polnisch-tschechischen Dreiländereck)

Provider: INTERREG IIIA, 2007 – 2009

Contractor: Leibnitz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development in Dresden in cooperation with IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator on the Czech side


Economic development through economic valuation of the Environment in the German-Czech borderland

(Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung durch ökonomische Bewertung der Umwelt in der deutsch-tschechischen Grenzregion)

Provider: INTERREG IIIA, 2007 – 2008

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Project: Proposal of the Measures for Improving the System of Beverage Containers Recycling with the Emphasis on Waste Prevention

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2006 – 2007

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Educational programme Corporate Environmentalist

Provider: ESF (JPD 3), 2005-2006

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Generic Training System for Officials of Territorial Self Governing Bodies (Phare CZ-0209-02-01-005)

Provider: PHARE 2004 – 2005

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Expert Investigator


Effectiveness analysis of variable payments for municipal waste in the German and Czech conditions and transfer of experience (CZ-D 52/05-06)

Provider: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 2005

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Production and distribution balances for selected wastes in conjunction with proposition of instrument′s mix to the prevention of rise material utilization of wastes (VaV-1C/7/41/04)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2004 – 2005

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Effects of Economic Instruments on Environment Protection (VaV-1C/4/43/04)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2004 – 2005

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s. in cooperation with the Environment Center at Charles University in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


The Models of Influences of Environmental Policy to Macroeconomic Aggregates in the Czech Republic (VaV-1C/4/42/04)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2004 – 2005

Contractor: IEEP at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Safe recycling for electric and electronic scrap (VaV/720/7/03)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2003-2006

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Expert Investigator


Optimization of Non-recyclable Waste Treatment with the Use of Commodity Exchange (VaV /720/13/03)

Provider: Ministry of the Environemnt of the Czech Republic, 2003-2006


The optimization of solutions unused waste in the Czech Republic and consecutive on logistic system of commodity exchange of secondary raw materials (VaV /720/13/03)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2003 – 2004

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Expert Investigator


Information campaign in waste management - support for education of public administration staff and public awareness (VaV/720/3/02)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2002 – 2006

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator


Economic models of complex cost analysis in the waste management (VaV/720/2/02)

Provider: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, 2002 – 2004

Contractor: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

Position: Project Manager and Expert Investigator



ROSECKÝ, Martin, ŠOMPLÁK, Radovan, SLAVÍK, Jan, KALINA, Jiří, BULKOVÁ, Gabriela, BED-NÁŘ, Josef. 2021. Predictive modelling as a tool for effective municipal waste management policy at different territorial levels. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 291, 112584 (IF 2019: 5,647)


SLAVÍK, Jan, PAVEL, Jan, ARLTOVÁ, Markéta. Variable charges and municipal budget balance: Communicating vessels of the waste management. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 257., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109976.


SLAVÍK, Jan, RYBOVÁ, Kristýna, DOLEJŠ, Martin. 2019. Biowaste separation at source and its limitations based on spatial conditions. Detritus. 5, 36-45.


RYBOVÁ, Kristýna, BURCIN, Boris, SLAVÍK, Jan, 2018. Spatial and non-spatial analysis of socio-demographic aspects influencing municipal solid waste generation in the Czech Republic. Detritus. 1(1), 3-7.


SLAVÍK, Jan, REMR, Jiří, VEJCHODSKÁ, Eliška, 2018. Relevance of selected measures in transi-tion to a circular economy: The case of the Czech Republic. Detritus. 1(1), 144-154.


RYBOVÁ, Kristýna, SLAVÍK, Jan, BURCIN, Boris, SOUKOPOVÁ, Jana, KUČERA, Tomáš, ČERNÍKOVÁ, Alena. Socio-demographic determinants of municipal waste generation: case study of the Czech Republic. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 1884-1891 (IF 2018: 1,693).


PAVEL, Jan, SLAVÍK, Jan. The relationships between competition and effficiency of waste-collection services in the Czech Republic. Local Government Studies. Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 275-296 (IF 2017: 1,440).


SLAVÍK, Jan, POTLUKA, Oto, RYBOVÁ, Kristýna. Subsidies in waste management: Effective instruments or cul-de-sac of European structure policies? Waste Management. Vol. 65, pp. 1-2 (IF 2017: 4,723).


BASTIAN, Olaf, SYRBE, Ralf-Uwe, SLAVÍK, Jan, MORAVEC, Jiří, KOCHAN, Birgit, KOCHAN, Nils, STUTZRIEMER, Sylke, BERENS, Astrid. Ecosystem services of characteristic biotope types in the Ore Mountains (Germany/Czech Republic). International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 51-71.


SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka, SYRBE, Ralf-Uwe, SLAVÍK, Jan. Local environmental NGO roles in biodiversity governance: a Czech-German comparison. GeoScape. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-15.


RYBOVÁ, Kristýna, SLAVÍK, Jan. Ageing population of cities - Implications for circular economy in the Czech Republic. Smart Cities Symposium Prague, SCSP 2017 - IEEE Proceedings. ISBN 978-153863825-5.


SLAVÍK, Jan, RYBOVÁ, Kristýna. The costs of municipal waste and separate collection. Efficient measures how to cut them down. In: Matějová, L. (eds.) Proceeding of the 21st international conference Current trends in public sector research 2017. Brno: Masaryk University, 2017. pp. 371 – 378. ISSN 2336 – 1239. ISBN 978-80-210-8448-3.


SLAVÍK, Jan, RYBOVÁ, Kristýna. Institutionelle Analyse des Bioabfallmanagements in der Tschechischen Republik. Müll und Abfall. No. 4.


RYBOVÁ, Kristýna, SLAVÍK, Jan. Smart cities and ageing population - implications for waste management in the Czech Republic. Smart Cities Symposium Prague, SCSP 2016 - IEEE Proceedings. ISBN 978-150901116-2.


RYBOVÁ, Kristýna, SLAVÍK, Jan. Can demographic characteristics explain intermunicipal differencies in production of municipal waste? In: Špalková, D., Matějová, L. (eds.) Proceeding of the 20th international conference Current trends in public sector research 2016. Brno: Masaryk University, 2016. pp. 375 – 382. ISSN 2336 – 1239. ISBN 978-80-210-8082-9.


KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, LOUDA, Jiří, SLAVÍK, Jan, PĚLUCHA, Martin. Contribution of Local Agenda 21 to Practical Implementation of Sustainable Development: The case of the Czech Republic. European Planning Studies. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 515 - 536 (IF 2014: 1,228)


SLAVÍK, Jan, PAVEL, Jan. Do the variable charges really increase the effectiveness and economy of waste management? A case study of the czech republic. Resources, conversation and recycling [online], 2013, VOL. 70, NO. 1, PP. 68–77. ISSN 0921-3449.


OSERSOVÁ, Marta, SLAVÍK, Jan, PLAČEK, Michal. Benchmarking v odpadovém hospodářství (Benchmarking in the waste management). Odpadové fórum, 2013, VOL. 14, NO. 11, PP. 14–15. ISSN 1212-7779.


KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, LOUDA, Jiří, SLAVÍK, Jan, PĚLUCHA, Martin. Contribution of local agenda 21 to practical implementation of sustainable development: the case of the czech republic. European planning studies. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2012.75


SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka, VEJCHODSKÁ, Eliška, SLAVÍK, Jan, aj. Ekonomie životního prostředí – teorie a politika (Economics of the environment – theory and policy). 1st edition. Prague: Alfa nakladatelství, 2012. 288 P. ISBN 978-80-87197-45-5. (another authors: VOJÁČEK, Ondřej, LOUDA, Jiří).


OSERSOVÁ, Marta, SLAVÍK, Jan. Jsou motivační platby skutečně motivační (Are incentive payments for waste really incentive). Odpadové fórum, 2012, VOL. 13, NO. 12, PP. 22–23. ISSN 1212-7779.
SLAVÍK, Jan. 2012. Odpadové hospodářství (Waste management). In: ŠEFLOVÁ, Jitka (ed.) Ve-řejné služby měst a obcí (Public services in municipalities). 1. vyd. Praha: Alfa Nakladatelství, 2012. 110 s. ISBN 978-80-87197-60-8.
SLAVÍK, Jan. Privatizace odpadových služeb ve městech a obcích - vybrané problémy (Privatization of the waste management services in the cities and municipalities - selected problems). 1st edition. PRAGUE: Alfa nakladatelství, 2012. 96 P. ISBN 978-80-87197-56-1
2011 SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka, ŠÍMOVÁ, Tereza, SLAVÍK, Jan. Kvalitativně orientované metody socioekonomického výzkumu a jejich využití v ekonomii životního prostředí (Qualitative methods of the socioeconomic research and their application within the economics of the environmental protection). Ekonomický časopis, 2011, VOL. 59, NO. 8, PP. 823–840. ISSN 0013-3035.
PĚLUCHA, Martin, KVĚTOŇ, Viktor, SLAVÍK, Jan. Matching mindsets to maps. Regional insights, 2011, NO. 2, PP. 6–8. ISSN 2042-9843.
PĚLUCHA, Martin, SLAVÍK, Jan, LOUDA, Jiří, KVĚTOŇ, Viktor. Sustainable development in practice: experience gained with la 21 in the czech republic. Regions – quarterly magazine of the regional studies association, 2011, NO. 283, PP. 4–7. ISSN 1367-3882.
ŠEFLOVÁ, Jitka, SLAVÍK, Jan. 2011. From government to governance? New governance for water and biodiversity in an enlarged Europe. Politicka ekonomie. 59(1), 137-140 (IF 2011: 0,380).


JÍLKOVÁ, Jiřina, HOLLÄNDER, Robert, KOCHMANN, Linda, SLAVÍK, Jan, SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka. Economic valuation of environmental resources and its use in local policy decision-making: a comparative czech-german border study. Journal of comparative policy analysis: researchand practice [online], 2010, VOL. 12, NO. 3, PP. 299–309. ISSN 1387-6988.


GLÖCKNER, Rick, SLAVÍK, Jan, ROCH, Isolde. Procesy změn v česko-polsko-saském pohraničí z pohledu jejich řízení. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj (Development processes of change in the saxonian-bohemian-polish border region), 2010, NO. 2, PP. 45–52. ISSN 1212-0855.


GELLENBECK, Klaus, SLAVÍK, Jan. Abfallgebühren in tschechien und deutschland: zu hohe finanzielle anreize zur reduzierung der restabfallmengen können zu unerwünschten entsorgungswegen führen (Variable fees in the czech republic and germany: to high financial motivation to waste reduction is leading to illegal waste disposal). Müllmagazin, 2009, VOL. 22, NO. 2, PP. 43–47. ISSN 0934-3482.


SLAVÍK, Jan, aj. Poplatkové systémy v obcích – rizika a příležitosti pro odpadové hospodářství (Charging systems in municipalities – threats and opportunities for the waste management). 1st edition. PRAGUE: IREAS, 2009. 198 P. ISBN 978-80-86684-59-8.
2007 SLAVÍK, Jan. Neoklasická ekonomie a ochrana životního prostředí. (Neoclassical economics and protection of the environment) Politická ekonomie, 2007, ROČ. LV, Č. 4, S. 526–538. ISSN 0032-3233.