
network of academics


Mgr. Barbora Matějková

Currently, she is studying at the Department of Authorial Creation and Pedagogy at DAMU, and attending various seminars focusing on socio-pedagogical activities (such as crisis intervention course, competency mapping, etc.). At IREAS, she works as a specialist in educational projects and is beginning to lead her own projects, particularly those supporting diversity and respect for differences. Outside of IREAS, she is a French language teacher and social pedagogue.



Project assistant, junior manager


2023 -2025

DAMU, Department of authorial creativity and pedagogy, Praha
Ligelong education - Creative pedagogy

2020 - 2023

Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague
Field of study: Social Pedagogy


Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague
Field of study: French Philology and Pedagogy, Bachelor’s degree



University Lille III, France
Erasmus study stay abroad


since 2022

Lauder Schools
Social pedagogue

since 2021

My body is mine
prevention programmes

since 2021

Lauder Schools
Teacher of French

since 2019

IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o. p. s.
Member of the Competence team

Junior manager

Project assistant – communication with participants, preparation of instructional materials, administrative support, etc.)

Author of method sheets (themes: personal and social education, efficient communication)

PR (administration of website and Facebook)


Children agency Kroužky, s.r.o.
Instructor of English and dance courses in kindergarten


2024 - 2025

Show yourself - Support of the women micro-entrepreneur 50+

Contract authority: The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Position: Professional counsellor

Organisation: IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p.s.

2023 - 2024

Families among us: A journey to understanding

Funded: The EEA and Norway Grants, programme: BFNU – NFP Bilateral Funds

Partner: KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity

Position: manager, co-author of stories

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.

2023 - 2025 
You got it, Education of children from orphanages

Contract authority: The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Position: creator of digital content 

Organisation: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.

since 2021

Teaching Innovation and Promoting a Good Classroom Climate for Democratic Development

Contract authority: Prague City Hall

Position: author of method sheets 

Implementer: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.


Developing teachers and pupils – strengthening the competences of teachers at schools and school facilities when working with pupils with SEN (special educational needs)

Contract authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Position: project assistant

Implementer: ACADEMIA IREAS, o. p. s.



Křenovská, V. Achmeer, L., Matějková B., (eds.) Efektivní komunikace, metodické listy k projektu Inovací výuky a podporou dobrého klimatu ve třídě k demokratickému rozvoji, ACAEMIA IREAS, o.p.s., 2023, https://www.ireas.cz/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/INO_metodika_efektivni_komunikace.pdf
Matějková B., Kořínková, J., Kováčová, K. Osobnostně sociální rozvoj, metodické listy k projektu Inovací výuky a podporou dobrého klimatu ve třídě k demokratickému rozvoji, ACAEMIA IREAS, o.p.s., 2023, https://www.ireas.cz/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/INO_metodika_OSV.pdf


Kováčová, K., Jeřábková, M. (eds.) Rozvoj kolegiální podpory pedagogů, Metodické listy k workshopům pro pedagogy, IREAS, Institut pro strukturální politiku, o. p. s., 2020, https://www.ireas.cz/cs/cmsmayan/download/121